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Hello there earthlings,my name is __________. and thank you for landing upon my blog. do rememeber to leave a tag alrights. and it'll be appreciated. i love icecreams and jelly sundae. i hate roaches and blahblahblah, i wish to to have more blahblahblah,
oh boy, i love you :D



Your tagboard here. Definately Cbox recommended.
and i would like to suggest you to change the width of your cbox to 185, cause then , it'll look perfect.



September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
February 2010
June 2010


Pls do not remove this section :)

Designer: Brokened.Love
Host: xx
Resources: xxx
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HI!!! today was quite a happy day :) ... Charlene became SALENE and Geraldine lai became GELADINE. HAHAHA and i am the" MOTHER " !!!! and jazree's "AUNTY"... :) Me, jazree,geraldine lai,charlene and regina walked to the MRT together. geraldine lai, jazree,charlene and regina went to woodlands library to study and i went home...... to study!!! :p i watched the "DARK KNIGHT" on our new blueray system... WOW!!! After watching the movie for about 30mins, i felt tierd and actually fall asleep during action scenes.

The movie finally ended!!!! :D My family decided that we should have dinner at the newly opened shopping centre across our house called "City Square Mall". It is a very big 7 story shopping centre that to me it can be compared to Vivo City. Although it is not fully opened, but it is sure a high class shopping centre... How would you feel having such wonderful shopping centre just across your house?? HAHAHA!!! That's all i have to blog for today... please check back for further updates. :)

HELLOH people!!! thank you SHIXUAN and JAZREE for making this blog for me!!!